RIMFIRE Item # / Description / Head stamp / Price per Cartridge 4304 .17 HMR (Hornady Magnum Rim fire), copper jacket ballistic tip, brass bottleneck case, h/s R, introduced by Hornady in 2004, it is based on the necked down .22 long rifle Stinger case $0.75 10522 .17 Mach 2, pointed 17 grain purple polymer tipped Hornady V-Max bullet, brass bottleneck case, headstamp E, made by Eley $0.75 10523 .17 Mach 2, pointed 17 grain tan polymer tipped Hornady Accutip-V boat tail copper jacket bullet, brass bottleneck case, headstamp R, made for Remington by Eley $0.75 4560 .22 BB, round lead ball, copper case, raised acorn head stamp, Dynamit Nobel Aktiengesellschaft- Nurnburg, Germany $1.00 3690 .22 BB, short conical lead bullet, copper case, head stamp U $1.00 11150 .22 crimped starter pistol blank, 8 segment star mouth crimp, 1/4" brass case, head stamp raised lightning bolt, made in Czechoslovakia by Sellier & Bellot for Firearms Import & Export Corporation, Miami Florida 9855 .22 CB, round nose 1 knurl 1 groove belted lead (conical ball), copper case, h/s H (circa 1908) $1.50 10045 .22 CB long (prod 00038), 29 grain belted round nose lead, brass case, h/s C, quiet when fired $1.00 11558 .22 CB cap, round nose copper plated lead bullet (conical ball), copper case, h/s diamond (Western) $1.00 3691 .22 CB cap, round nose lead bullet (conical ball), copper case, head stamp U $1.00 8187 .22 Extra Long, round nose 3 groove lead, copper case, head stamp U $6.00 4365 .22 long empty primed case, nickel plated case, head stamp SINOXID., from a tin labeled 100 RANDF. PATR.-HULSEN .22 lang fur Buschsen nur mit Satz geladen DYNAMIT-NOBEL-NURNBERG Made in Western Germany, likely intended for custom loading $1.00 10050 .22 long, round nose belted lead with one knurl, copper case, head stamp H $1.50 11555 .22 long shot, extended length copper case with roll mouth crimp, gray paper wad at case mouth, head stamp H, from a Lesmok box $1.50 11244 .22 long Super Speed, product code on box K 2216 R, 2 knurl, 1 groove round nose belted copper plated lead, nickel case, head stamp H $1.50 11553 .22 Long shot, extended length (0.772") necked copper case with taper crimp, white paper wad a case mouth, head stamp P $1.50 11486 .22 Long, 1 knurl 1 narrow groove lead, copper case, case neck marked S (smokeless), head stamp U, from box marked REMINGTON ARMS UNION METALLIC CARTRIDGE COMPANY INCORPORATED, which dates the box to 1916 - 1920 $2.00 11242 .22 Long, 1 knurl, 1 groove belted lead bullet, copper case, head stamp <> (Western) $1.50 10809 .22 Long Rifle shot, shot filled clear green plastic bullet, head stamp C, by Omark-CCI $1.00 10044 .22 long rifle Stinger (product code 0050), 32 grain1 groove belted hollow point lead, nickel case w cannelure, head stamp C (CCI) $0.50 10742 .22 long rifle, belted 2 knurl 1 narrow groove lead, brass case, head stamp E, from a sealed box labeled in red 100 CARTRIDGES / RIM FIRE / .22 INCH MARK 2 / I.M.I. (K) and stamped 3 1 9 $1.00 9667 .22 Long Rifle shot, 10 point star crimp, knurled brass case, head stamp H $0.50 995 .22 Long Rifle, 3 knurl lead, copper case, head stamp ICI $0.50 18 .22 Long Rifle, 4 groove lead, copper case, neck marked with impressed G (greased), head stamp U $3.00 11289 .22 Long Rifle, 4 narrow groove lead, copper case, neck marked with impressed L (Lesmok), head stamp U, from two piece round cornered marbled box with orange top, bottom and side sealing labels, company address on box is Remington Arms Union Metallic Cartridge Co / Union Metalliic Cartridge Works / Bridgeport, Conn. U.S.A.; the top and ends of the box have the combined REMINGTON UMC in red ball logos; this box of ammo was made between about 1913 and 1916 $3.00 11243 .22 Long Rifle Hi-Speed Kleanbore, product code on box R23L, 2 knurl, 1 groove belted lead hollow point, brass case, head stamp U $1.00 11551 .22 Long Rifle, 2 thin groove lead, copper case, head stamp R in a shield, by RWS $1.00 10041 .22 Magnum, copper plated hollow point (not belted), brass case, head stamp C (CCI) $1.00 9909 .22 Magnum, copper plated belted hollow point, brass case, head stamp C (CCI) $1.00 10043 .22 Magnum, copper plated belted hollow point, nickeled case, head stamp C (CCI) $1.00 10306 .22 mortar training device propellant blank, rose crimp with red sealant on tip, brass case, head stamp H, from a box labeled 50 50/PROPELLANTS/SUB CALIBER/MORTAR TRAINER/DEVICE 3-F-8A/WINCHESTER REPEATING ARMS CO./DIVISION OF OLIN INDUSTRIES, INC/NEW HAVEN 4, CONN., used as the propelling charge for the 25mm sub caliber training projectile insert for the U.S. Navy training device 3-F-8A for 60mm, 81mm, and 4.2" mortars, made from 1953 to 1954 when Olin Industries merged with the Mathieson Chemical Company $1.00 11246 .22 Remington automatic, flat nose smooth lead, copper case, head stamp U $2.50 10054 .22 Short, 2 knurl lead, copper case, head stamp H $1.00 11245 .22 Short Hi-Power, Federal product code No. 703, 1 knurl 1 groove hollow point lead, brass case, head stamp HP $1.00 7800 .22 Short, 2 knurl belted lead, copper case, head stamp HP with tiny 8, by Hirtenberg (Austria) $1.00 7625 .22 Short, 2 groove lead, copper case, case neck marked S (smokeless), head stamp U $2.00 6933 .22 Short, smooth round nose lead, copper case, head stamp U $1.00 11206 .22 Short, round nose belted one groove copper plated lead, knurled case mouth crimp, brass case with knurled cannelure, head stamp U S $1.00 11060 .22 Winchester automatic, round nose smooth lead, copper case, head stamp H $2.00 10036 .22 Winchester Rim Fire (WRF) / Remington Special, copper plated flat tip lead, brass case with cannelure, h/s SUPER X $1.00 10038 .22 Winchester Rim Fire (WRF) / Remington Special, flat tip lead, nickeled case with cannelure, headstamp U HI SPEED $1.00 11737 .25 Stevens, flat nose lead, copper case, head stamp U $2.00 9902 .25 Stevens, flat nose lead, neck cannelure, copper case, head stamp U $2.00 11718 .25 Stevens Short, flat nose lead, copper case, head stamp P $1.00 8036 .30 long, 1 groove semi-pointed lead with oxidation, copper case, no head stamp, early probably made by UMC $5.00 11063 .30 Long, pointed 1 groove lead with mold lines, copper case, head stamp raised P in depression, made by the Phoenix Metallic Cartridge Company, which was in operation between 1874 and 1891, this cartridge was probably made during the early years $15.00 11559 .30 short, semi-pointed 1 groove lead, copper case, no head stamp $ 6.00 10824 .30 short, oxidized semi-pointed 1 groove lead, copper case, headstamp U $ 5.00 9723 .310 Remington shot, clear plastic wad held in place by rolled mouth crimp, brass case, head stamp U without dot in center $2.00 11160 .310 Remington shot, clear plastic wad held in place by rolled mouth crimp, brass case, head stamp U WITH dot in center $2.00 11323 .32 Extra Long, semi-pointed 2 groove lead, copper case, head stamp raised U $14.00 11732 .32 Extra long, semi-pointed 2 knurl lead, copper case, head stamp U $5.00 11287 .32 Long, 2 narrow groove lead, copper case, no head stamp, probably early UMC $3.00 11288 .32 Long, 2 narrow groove lead, copper case, no head stamp, probably early UMC, case has been sectioned to show inside base and rim $3.00 11324 .32 Long, belted lead, copper case, head stamp raised A $5.00 11740 .32 Long, semi-pointed 2 knul lead, copper case, head stamp H $2.00 1977 .32 Long, 2 knurl lead, copper case, head stamp U $2.00 12560 .32 Long shot, wood shot filled bullet, copper case, head stamp H $1.00 11733 .32 Long, round nose belted lead, copper case, head stamp raised US in depression $5.00 11720 .32 Long shot, tan paper wad seated below case mouth taper crimp, copper case, head stamp H $1.00 11731 .32 Short, round nose 2 knurl lead, copper case, head stamp maltese cross, made by the Union Metallic Cartridge & Cap Company, which began produuction in 1866 and was incorported in 1867 as the Union Metallic Cartridge Company $25.00 10521 .32 Short, belted grooved lead, copper case, head stamp small D $2.00 11096 .32 Short,copper plated belted 2 knurled lead, copper case, head stamp small D $1.50 11723 .32 Short, 2 knurl 1 narrow groove lead, copper case, head stamp H $2.00 8 .32 Short Blank, tan wad, 6 petal star crimp round edge of mouth, head stamp H (small) $1.00 11168 .32 Short blank, gray card wad with taper crimp, copper case, head stamp slanted P $1.00 1808 .32 Short, 2 groove lead, copper case, head stamp U $2.00 11169 .32 Short Blank, gray wad, taper crimp, head stamp U $1.00 1021 .32 Short Blank, tan wad, taper crimp, head stamp US $1.00 11167 .32 Short blank, gray card wad with taper crimp, copper case,diamond head stamp (Western) $1.00 12561 .38 Extra Long, 2 knurl semi-pointed lead, copper case, no head stamp $8.00 3877 .38 Extra Long, 1 knurl lead, copper case, raised head stamp H in depressed circle $20.00 6019 .38 Extra Long, semi-pointed 1 knurl lead, copper case, head stamp raised H in depressed circle $20.00 9580 .38 long, belted round nose lead (heavy target bullet), copper case, head stamp raised A in depression, made by the American Metallic Cartridge Co, case stains $7.00 730 .38 long, belted semi pointed lead, copper case, head stamp raised A in depression made by the American Metallic Cartridge Co $8.00 4677 .38 Long, 2 groove lead, copper case, head stamp D (Dominion), from display, 2 holes in one side of case $1.00 1968 .38 Long, 2 knurl lead, copper case, head stamp U $2.00 42 .38 Long, belted lead, copper case, raised head stamp US (in depressed circle) $3.00 11717 .38 long multiball, green paper sabot containing 3 round lead balls, copper case, no head stamp but known to have been made by Phoenix Metallic Cartridge Co $40.00 11724 .38 Short, semi-pointed slightly belted lead, copper case, no head stamp, tool mark arcs across head $3.00 11725 .38 Short, semi-pointed I knurl lead, copper case, no head stamp, appear to be early UMC $3.00 10686 .38 Short, oxidized semi-pointed I groove lead, copper case, no head stamp, appear to be early UMC $3.00 11054 .38 Short shot, salmon colored paper sabot, copper case, raised A head stamp in depression, made by the American Metallic Cartridge Company between about 1891 and 1898. The American Metalllic Cartridge Company was formed by the owners of Winchester Repeating Arms Company and the Union Metalic Cartridge Company after they purchased the assets of the Phoenix Metallic Cartridge Company in 1891, so as to get possession of the patent for the paper sabot shot cartridge, which Phoenix received September 9th, 1879, and which would not expire until 1896 $5.00 11726 .38 Short shot, pellet filled wood bullet, copper case, head stamp U $2.00 1966 .38 Short blank, gray paper wad, copper case, head stamp U $1.00 526 .38 Short, 1 knurled lead, copper case, head stamp U $2.00 531 .38 Short blank, gray wad, taper crimp, copper case, head stamp U $1.00 10992 .41 Long, oxidized blunt nose 1 groove lead, copper case, head stamp H (small) $3.00 10993 .41 Long, oxidized blunt nose 1 groove lead, copper case, head stamp H (large) $3.00 10667 .41 Long, oxidized blunt nose 1 groove lead, copper case, head stamp U $3.00 11716 .41 Short, semi-pointed 1 groove lead, copper case, no head stamp $7..00 12567 .41 Short, semi-pointed 2 knurl lead, copper case, no head stamp $7..00 12568 .41 Short, semi-pointed 2 knurl lead, copper case, no head stamp, misfire with 1 firing pin dent $3.50 12566 .41 Short, semi-pointed 1 knurl lead, copper case, head stamp diamond (Western) $6.00 12565 .41 Short, semi-pointed 2 groove lead, copper case, head stamp H $6.00 11741 .41 Short, semi-pointed 1 groove lead, copper case, head stamp raised H in depression $16.00 11716 .41 Short, semi-pointed 1 knurl lead, copper case, head stamp U $6.00 12562 .41 Swiss, paper patched round nose lead, copper case, head stamp Swiss cross $6.00 12563 .41 Swiss, 2 knurl round nose lead with dinged point, copper case, head stamp H $3.00 11691 .41 Swiss, 2 knurl round nose lead, copper case, head stamp P $6.00 11727 .42 Forehand & Wadsworth #64, semi-pointed belted lead, copper case, head stamp U $10.00 9655 .44 Henry flat long case, 1 groove flat nose lead, copper case, head stamp D (Dominion) $45.00 12557 .44 Henry flat long case, 1 knurl flat nose lead, copper case, head stamp H $45.00 10668 .44 Henry flat long case, oxidized flat nose one groove lead, .885" copper case, head stamp U $45.00 11742 .44 long, 1 knurl flat nose lead, copper case, head stamp raised H in depression $16.00 8376 .44 Short blank, tan wad, roll crimp, copper case, no head stamp $4.00 11319 .44 short, 1 knurl flat nose lead, copper case, head stamp H $5.00 7894 .44 Short, 1knurl semi-pointed lead, copper case, head stamp U $5.00 11151 .44 Short blank, orange wad, roll crimp, copper case, head stamp U $4.00 9801 .44 short, 2 groove semi-pointed lead, copper case, head stamp raised US in depressed circle $10.00 9651 .46 Remington Carbine, 2 groove semi-pointed lead, copper case, no head stamp, flat head, most with numerous straight and circular tool marks, probably early CD Leet $20.00 9652 .46 Remington Carbine, 2 groove semi-pointed lead, copper case, head stamp CDL $65.00 11313 .46 Remington Carbine, 2 groove semi-pointed lead, copper case, no head stamp, probably made by UMC $16.00 11689 .56-50 Spencer, oxidized flat nose lead, copper case with 3 stab neck indents, head stamp C.D.L. $16.00 12556 .56-50 Spencer, oxidized flat nose 1 groove lead, copper case, raised head stamp H in depression $15.00 9661 .56-50 Spencer, oxidized flat nose lead, copper case with five neck indents, head stamp J.G. $14.00 7909 .56-50 Spencer, oxidized flat nose lead, copper case with three neck indents, head stamp S.A.W. made by Sage Ammunition Works $15.00 11676 .56-50 Spencer, oxidized flat nose lead, copper case, head stamp U $14.00 11695 .56-50 Spencer shot, shot filled wood bullet, copper case, head stamp U $14.00 12555 .56-56 Spencer, semi-pointed 2 groove lead, copper case, raised head stamp US in depression $35.00 11680 .56-52 Spencer, flat nose 1 groove lead, copper case with surface stains, head stamp U $10.00 10502 .56-56 Spencer, oxidized heavy pointed 2 groove Navy & Infantry style lead, copper case, no headstamp, case side dent $15.00 11687 .56-56 Spencer, pointed 1 knurl lead, copper case, no headstamp $20.00